class JikanClient

JikanClient: Main class for the Jikan API client This component is used to interact with the Jikan API using internal managers



const client = new JikanClient();

client.getCharacter(1).then((character) => {

Using a self-hosted Jikan API

const client = new JikanClient({
 host: "",
 baseUri: "/v4",


JikanClient(options?: Partial<ClientOptions>)



getAnime(animeId: number): Promise<animeModel.Anime>

getAnime: Get an Anime from the Jikan API by its ID

getAnimeCharacters: Get an Anime's Characters from the Jikan API by its ID

animeId: number,
episodeNumber: number,
): Promise<animeModel.AnimeEpisodeFull>

getAnimeEpisode: Get an Anime's Episode from the Jikan API by its ID and Episode number

getAnimeEpisodes: Get an Anime's Episodes from the Jikan API by its ID

getAnimeExternal(animeId: number): Promise<baseModel.External[]>

getAnimeExternal: Get an Anime's External Links from the Jikan API by its ID

getAnimeForum(animeId: number): Promise<baseModel.Forum[]>

getAnimeForum: Get an Anime's Forum from the Jikan API by its ID

getAnimeFull(animeId: number): Promise<animeModel.AnimeFull>

getAnimeFull: Get an AnimeFull from the Jikan API by its ID

getAnimeMoreInfo(animeId: number): Promise<baseModel.MoreInfo>

getAnimeMoreInfo: Get an Anime's More Info from the Jikan API by its ID

animeId: number,
): Promise<baseModel.News[]>

getAnimeNews: Get an Anime's News from the Jikan API by its ID

getAnimePictures(animeId: number): Promise<baseModel.CommonImage[]>

getAnimePictures: Get an Anime's Pictures from the Jikan API by its ID

getAnimeRandom: Get a random Anime from the Jikan API

getAnimeRecommendations(animeId: number): Promise<animeModel.AnimeMeta[]>

getAnimeRecommendations: Get an Anime's Recommendations from the Jikan API by its ID

getAnimeRelations(animeId: number): Promise<baseModel.Relation[]>

getAnimeForum: Get an Anime's Forum from the Jikan API by its ID

getAnimeReviews: Get an Anime's Reviews from the Jikan API by its ID

getAnimeStaff(animeId: number): Promise<baseModel.Staff[]>

getAnimeStaff: Get an Anime's Staff from the Jikan API by its ID

getAnimeStatistics: Get an Anime's Statistics from the Jikan API by its ID

getAnimeStreaming(animeId: number): Promise<baseModel.External[]>

getAnimeStreaming: Get an Anime's Streaming Links from the Jikan API by its ID

getAnimeThemes(animeId: number): Promise<animeModel.Theme>

getAnimeThemes: Get an Anime's Themes from the Jikan API by its ID

getAnimeUserUpdates: Get an Anime's User Updates from the Jikan API by its ID

getAnimeVideos(animeId: number): Promise<animeModel.AnimeVideo>

getAnimeVideos: Get an Anime's Videos from the Jikan API by its ID

getAnimeVideosEpisodes: Get an Anime's Videos Episodes from the Jikan API by its ID

getAnimes: Get an Anime array from the Jikan API

getCharacter(characterId: number): Promise<characterModel.Character>

getCharacter: Get a Character from the Jikan API by its ID

getCharacterAnime(characterId: number): Promise<characterModel.AnimeRole[]>

getCharacterAnime: Get a Character's Anime from the Jikan API by its ID

getCharacterFull(characterId: number): Promise<characterModel.CharacterFull>

getCharacterFull: Get a CharacterFull from the Jikan API by its ID

getCharacterManga(characterId: number): Promise<characterModel.MangaRole[]>

getCharacterManga: Get a Character's Manga from the Jikan API by its ID

getCharacterPictures(characterId: number): Promise<baseModel.CommonImage[]>

getCharacterPictures: Get a Character's Pictures from the Jikan API by its ID

getCharacterRandom: Get a random Character from the Jikan API

getCharacterVoiceActors(characterId: number): Promise<baseModel.VoiceActors[]>

getCharacterVoiceActors: Get a Character's Voice Actors from the Jikan API by its ID

getCharacters: Get a Character array from the Jikan API

getManga(mangaId: number): Promise<mangaModel.Manga>

getManga: Get a Manga from the Jikan API by its ID

getMangaCharacters: Get a Manga's Characters from the Jikan API by its ID

getMangaExternal(mangaId: number): Promise<baseModel.External[]>

getMangaExternal: Get a Manga's External Links from the Jikan API by its ID

getMangaFull(mangaId: number): Promise<mangaModel.MangaFull>

getMangaFull: Get a MangaFull from the Jikan API by its ID

getMangaMoreInfo(mangaId: number): Promise<baseModel.MoreInfo>

getMangaMoreInfo: Get a Manga's More Info from the Jikan API by its ID

mangaId: number,
): Promise<baseModel.News[]>

getMangaNews: Get a Manga's News from the Jikan API by its ID

getMangaPictures(mangaId: number): Promise<mangaModel.MangaImages[]>

getMangaPictures: Get a Manga's Pictures from the Jikan API by its ID

getMangaRandom: Get a random Manga from the Jikan API

getMangaRecommendations(mangaId: number): Promise<baseModel.MalEntries[]>

getMangaRecommendations: Get a Manga's Recommendations from the Jikan API by its ID

getMangaRelations(mangaId: number): Promise<baseModel.Relation[]>

getMangaRelations: Get a Manga's Relations from the Jikan API by its ID

getMangaReviews: Get a Manga's Reviews from the Jikan API by its ID

getMangaStatistics: Get a Manga's Statistics from the Jikan API by its ID

getMangaTopics: Get a Manga's Topics from the Jikan API by its ID

getMangaUserUpdates: Get a Manga's User Updates from the Jikan API by its ID

getMangas: Get a Manga array from the Jikan API

Static Methods

setDefaultOptions(options?: Partial<ClientOptions>): ClientOptions