class characterManager.CharacterManager

CharacterManager: Manager class for the Character endpoint This component is used to make requests to the Jikan API's Character endpoint


endpoint: string


getCharacter(characterId: number): Promise<characterModel.Character>

getCharacter: Get a Character from the Jikan API by its ID

getCharacterAnime(characterId: number): Promise<characterModel.AnimeRole[]>

getCharacterAnime: Get a Character's Anime from the Jikan API by its ID

getCharacterFull(characterId: number): Promise<characterModel.CharacterFull>

getCharacter: Get a CharacterFull from the Jikan API by its ID

getCharacterManga(characterId: number): Promise<characterModel.MangaRole[]>

getCharacterManga: Get a Character's Manga from the Jikan API by its ID

getCharacterPictures(characterId: number): Promise<baseModel.CommonImage[]>

getCharacterPictures: Get a Character's Pictures from the Jikan API by its ID

getCharacterVoiceActors(characterId: number): Promise<baseModel.VoiceActors[]>

getCharacterVoiceActors: Get a Character's Voice Actors from the Jikan API by its ID

getCharacters: Get a Character array from the Jikan API