MangaManager: Manager for the Manga endpoint This component is used to get Manga data from the Jikan API
endpoint: string
getManga(mangaId: number): Promise<mangaModel.Manga>
getManga: Get a Manga from the Jikan API by its ID
getMangaCharacters(mangaId: number): Promise<mangaModel.MangaCharacterRole[]>
getMangaCharacters: Get a Manga's Characters from the Jikan API by its ID
getMangaExternal(mangaId: number): Promise<baseModel.External[]>
getMangaExternals: Get a Manga's Externals from the Jikan API by its ID
getMangaFull(mangaId: number): Promise<mangaModel.MangaFull>
getMangaFull: Get a Manga from the Jikan API by its ID with full details
getMangaMoreInfo(mangaId: number): Promise<baseModel.MoreInfo>
getMangaMoreInfo: Get a Manga's More Info from the Jikan API by its ID
getMangaNews(mangaId: number,params?: baseManager.PageSearchParameter,): Promise<baseModel.News[]>
getMangaNews: Get a Manga's News from the Jikan API by its ID
getMangaPictures(mangaId: number): Promise<mangaModel.MangaImages[]>
getMangaPictures: Get a Manga's Pictures from the Jikan API by its ID
getMangaRecommendations(mangaId: number): Promise<baseModel.MalEntries[]>
getMangaRecommendations: Get a Manga's Recommendations from the Jikan API by its ID
getMangaRelations(mangaId: number): Promise<baseModel.Relation[]>
getMangaRelations: Get a Manga's Relations from the Jikan API by its ID
getMangaReviews(mangaId: number,params?: baseManager.ReviewsParameters,): Promise<mangaModel.MangaReview[]>
getMangaReviews: Get a Manga's Reviews from the Jikan API by its ID
getMangaStatistics(mangaId: number): Promise<mangaModel.MangaStatistics>
getMangaStatistics: Get a Manga's Statistics from the Jikan API by its ID
getMangaTopics(mangaId: number,params?: MangaTopicsSearchParameters,): Promise<baseModel.Forum[]>
getMangaTopics: Get a Manga's Topics from the Jikan API by its ID
getMangaUserUpdates(mangaId: number,params?: baseManager.PageSearchParameter,): Promise<mangaModel.MangaUserUpdate[]>
getMangaUserUpdates: Get a Manga's User Updates from the Jikan API by its ID
getMangas(params?: MangaSearchParameters): Promise<mangaModel.Manga[]>
getMangas: Get a list of Manga from the Jikan API