host: string
Jikan http client host Change it if you want to use a different Jikan API host (e.g. local instance)
You also can use non-https host, but it's not recommended
baseUri: string
The base pathname for the Jikan API.
Use this if you want to use a different Jikan API version
Default /v4
rateLimit: number
The rate limit interval in milliseconds
Default is 1050ms (57 requests per minute)
Jikan API has a rate limit of 60 requests per minute and 3 requests per second
timeout: number
Timeout for the request in milliseconds for each request to the Jikan API
This timeout isn't used or the internal pending requests queue, it's used for the request to the Jikan API
Default 10000ms (10 seconds)
maxPendingRequests: number
Maximum pending requests in the queue
This is used to limit the number of requests that can be made at the same time
If the queue is full, requests will drop and return a 503 Service Unavailable response
If the request is cached, it won't be counted as a pending request
Default 0 (no limit)
cacheOptions: Partial<cacheManager.CacheOptions>
Cache options (optional)