AnimeForumFilter: Enum for Anime Forum filters (i.e. All, Episode, Other)
AnimeForumSearchParameters: Interface for Anime Forum search parameters
AnimeManager: Manager for Anime This component is used to get Anime data from the Jikan API
- endpoint
- getAnime
- getAnimeCharacters
- getAnimeEpisode
- getAnimeEpisodes
- getAnimeExternal
- getAnimeForum
- getAnimeFull
- getAnimeMoreInfo
- getAnimeNews
- getAnimePictures
- getAnimeRecommendations
- getAnimeRelations
- getAnimeReviews
- getAnimeStaff
- getAnimeStatistics
- getAnimeStreaming
- getAnimeThemes
- getAnimeUserUpdates
- getAnimeVideos
- getAnimeVideosEpisodes
- getAnimes
AnimeSearchParameters: Interface for Anime search parameters
BaseManager: Base class for all managers This component is an abstract class used to create managers for the Jikan API
BaseSearchParameters: Interface for base search parameters
BaseSort: Enum for base sorting
ReviewsParameters: Interface for Reviews search parameters
CacheManager: Manager class for the cache This component is used to manage the cache of the Jikan API The cache isn't implemented yet, the manager only creates a cache directory and deletes it when the program exits
CharacterManager: Manager class for the Character endpoint This component is used to make requests to the Jikan API's Character endpoint
CharacterSearchParameters: Interface for Character search parameters
JikanClient: Main class for the Jikan API client This component is used to interact with the Jikan API using internal managers
- animeManager
- cacheManager
- characterManager
- getAnime
- getAnimeCharacters
- getAnimeEpisode
- getAnimeEpisodes
- getAnimeExternal
- getAnimeForum
- getAnimeFull
- getAnimeMoreInfo
- getAnimeNews
- getAnimePictures
- getAnimeRandom
- getAnimeRecommendations
- getAnimeRelations
- getAnimeReviews
- getAnimeStaff
- getAnimeStatistics
- getAnimeStreaming
- getAnimeThemes
- getAnimeUserUpdates
- getAnimeVideos
- getAnimeVideosEpisodes
- getAnimes
- getCharacter
- getCharacterAnime
- getCharacterFull
- getCharacterManga
- getCharacterPictures
- getCharacterRandom
- getCharacterVoiceActors
- getCharacters
- getManga
- getMangaCharacters
- getMangaExternal
- getMangaFull
- getMangaMoreInfo
- getMangaNews
- getMangaPictures
- getMangaRandom
- getMangaRecommendations
- getMangaRelations
- getMangaReviews
- getMangaStatistics
- getMangaTopics
- getMangaUserUpdates
- getMangas
- mangaManager
- options
- randomManager
- requestManager
- setDefaultOptions
MangaManager: Manager for the Manga endpoint This component is used to get Manga data from the Jikan API
MangaSearchParameters: Interface for Manga search parameters
RandomManager: Manager for the Random endpoint This component is used to get random data from the Jikan API